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Hospital Security Union

If you presently working in a hospital you should immediately contact the United Federation LEOS-PBA to find out how we can help you and your co-officers improve your wages, benefits and working conditions under a United Federation LEOS-PBA union contract.

Unlike other health care employees, the Hospital Security Officer makes no product and provides no treatment to patients. However, the Hospital Security Officer is a very visible hospital employee. Most people entering a hospital for the first time feel uneasy, if not scared. This fear can be lessened considerably when they are greeted by professional Security Officers who offer help, clear directions, and, most importantly, a safe environment where they can receive care.

What does a Hospital Security Officer do? Hospital Security Officers are charged with protecting: people property information reputation

Preventive patrol or inspectional service is the method employed by Security Officers to determine that conditions are normal in a given area and to provide a visible deterrent factor. This function takes on greater importance at night by providing a feeling of safety for staff, patients, and visitors. While on patrol, Security Officers routinely turn lights off as an energy conservation measure. They also check windows and doors to afford better protection to building occupants and to safeguard unoccupied buildings. An especially important function of Security Officers with respect to hospital staff is their rapid response to security emergencies within the hospital. Whether for psychiatric or medical reasons, patients sometimes become violent or threaten medical or nursing staff. Residents should never put themselves or other staff at risk in these situations but should immediately call for Security Officers’ assistance in subduing or restraining such patients. Security Officers may also be called upon for external emergencies, such as assisting in providing aid for disaster victims. Security Officers give directions to hospital patients and visitors. They may also help people into and out of their cars, or assist them with dead car batteries. Security Officers may also be involved in receiving hospital deliveries at night and escort duties. Security Officers spend a good deal of their time enforcing the rules and regulations of the hospital, which is one of their primary responsibilities.

What are the typical day-to-day activities of a Hospital Security Officer? A typical day at the hospital for a Security Officer will include: 1. Post/patrol duty: providing protection, assistance, and control monitoring activity in and around an assigned area being alert for suspicious activity enforcing access to the property and regulating removal of equipment patrolling the hospital and reporting findings

2. Information reporting: gathering, compiling, recording, and reporting information reporting security or safety hazards treating all information as confidential and respecting everyone’s right to privacy

3. Situation response: responding appropriately to routine and emergency situations in a timely manner

evaluating a situation and taking appropriate steps to resolve it in a professional manner

using only necessary force, as appropriate to the situation

providing traffic control, when necessary

monitoring a given situation until completed

acting with restraint, not allowing emotions to dictate actions and/or reactions.

Security Officers spend a good deal of their time enforcing the rules and regulations of the hospital, which is one of their primary responsibilities.

How and by whom is a Hospital Security Officer supervised? The Hospital Security Officer may report to a shift supervisor, operations chief, or hospital security supervisor. All security staff ultimately report to a hospital’s security director.


Protective Services Officer Responsibilities and Duties

A protective services officer is a federal employee who provides security to places like federal courtrooms and office buildings. Your primary duties are to conduct searches of all people who enter a federal building, oversee surveillance systems, gather information, work to preempt crime, and conduct criminal investigations when necessary. You may also provide outreach and training for other officers or the general public. A career as a federal protective service (FPS) officer requires you have some postsecondary education and experience, such as an associate or bachelor’s degree in criminology, law, or a related field. You must also pass a federal background check. The United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Protective Service officers working at many federal facilities around the country. The largest employer of Protective Service Officers (PSO's) in the country is Paragon Systems Inc. If you presently are a Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service Officer and you are looking to form or join a Protective Service Officers Union in your state or work location then visit our Paragon Protective Service Officers National Union (PSONU) today. For all other Protective Service Officers looking to form or join a Protective Service Officers Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA press here.

Nuclear Security Officer Responsibilities and Duties

As an Armed Nuclear Security Officer, you will provide physical protection of nuclear power generating facilities against intrusion and acts of sabotage.  The Armed Nuclear Security Officer will conduct armed stationary, foot and/or vehicle patrol (interior and/or exterior), control access and/or egress of personnel, materials and vehicles, monitor CCTV, plant surveillance equipment and alarm systems, compose reports, deter criminal activity, misconduct, and safety violations and perform other duties as specified in nuclear training and qualification plan and post orders. Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Nuclear Security Officers working at Nuclear Facilities around the country. If you wish to join or form a Nuclear Security Officers Union in your state or work location then visit our National Union of Nuclear Security Officers (NUNSO) website today.

Court Security Officer Responsibilities and Duties

A court security officer (CSO) is responsible for maintaining peace and order during courtroom procedures and operations. Court security officers manage the security stability of the courthouse, verifying the identity of the visitors, and reporting any suspicious activities and behaviors within the premises. They also ensure the safety of trial participants and banning violating materials and instruments inside the trial court. A court security officer must be highly organizational and observational to trace unusual activities, adhering to courthouse internal regulations and policies. Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Court Security Officers (CSO's)  working at federal buildings around the country. If you are a Court Security Officer (CSO) seeking to join or form a Court Security Officer (CSO) Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA please press here.

Hospital Security Officer Responsibilities and Duties

As a hospital security officer, you protect staff, patients, and visitors and ensure that all hospital property is secure. Your duties are to patrol the building and its grounds, monitor all activity in and out of the hospital, and endeavor to prevent vandalism, theft, fire, and disturbances within the facility. You frequently report to your manager or other security personnel about what you have observed on your rounds. You must be on the lookout for all sorts of issues at the hospital, including maintenance issues, which may compromise people’s safety or the integrity of the building. Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Hospital Security Officers working at many hospitals around the country. If you are a Hospital Security Officer seeking to join or form a Hospital Security Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA please press here.

United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association LEOS-PBA

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Campus Police Officer Responsibilities and Duties

Campus police enforce the national, state, and local laws on the grounds of college campuses. These peace officers provide a variety of security and enforcement services including traffic enforcement, event security and arrests. Most campus police officers are employees of the university but possess equivalent powers as those of local or state law enforcement organizations.  Campus police who work at state public institutions may be commissioned as state police officers. Campus Police Officers typically require an associates degree in criminal justice and may require POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training). Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Campus Police Officers working at many colleges and universities from around the country. If you are a Campus Police Officer Officer seeking to join or form a Campus Police Officer Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA please press here.


Campus Security Safety Officer Responsibilities and Duties

A campus security Safety officer promotes and maintains safety at a college or university by supporting the efforts of campus and local police. Although not a sworn police officer, a campus security officer performs many of the public safety functions of law enforcement. Generally, a high school education and additional job training are necessary to become a campus security officer. Some employers prefer to hire candidates with prior work experience in the security field. Depending on their position, campus security officers may need to hold various types of licensure or certification, including a firearms license and CPR certification.  Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Campus Security Safety Officers working at many colleges and universities from around the country. If you are a Campus Security Safety Officer Officer seeking to join or form a Campus Campus Security Safety Officer Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA please press here.

Correctional Security Officer Responsibilities and Duties

Correctional Security Officers oversee inmates to ensure they are safe, secure, and supervised. They do so by enforcing outlined rules and regulations. This might include inspecting cells, writing incident reports, and restraining inmates. Most correctional officers are employed by county, state, or federal agencies in jails or prisons. Correctional Security Officers must have a high school diploma or general education degree (GED) and be of a certain age, either 18 or 21 depending on the state. Some Correctional Security Officers also obtain an associate's degree in criminal justice in order to help with professional development. Correctional Security Officers must be alert, decisive, and have good judgment. Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Correctional Security Officers working at many detention centers, prisons and jails from around the country. If you are a Correctional Security Officer seeking to join or form a Correctional Security Officer Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA please press here.

Federal Protective Service Officers Responsibilities and Duties

The US Federal Protective Service (FPS) is a division of the Department of Homeland Security. FPS officers provide security and law enforcement services to buildings that are used by the federal General Services Administration (GSA), including federal courthouses. Federal Protective Service officers may work as law enforcement security officers or criminal investigators. Officers who excel in their positions may advance to such posts as protective security program manager or mission support specialist. The Federal Protective Service provides law enforcement, emergency response, and security for the federally leased and owned buildings throughout the United States. The Federal Protective Service provides all aspects of security and emergency response in federal buildings including: HAZMAT. Weapons of Mass Destruction. If you are a Federal Protective Service Officer seeking to join or form a Federal Protective Service Officers Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA then please visit our Federal Protective Service Officers Association (FPSOA) today.


Special Police Officer / Security Police Officer

The term Special Police Officer, is any person who is commissioned which have been approved pursuant to this act, and who may be authorized to carry a weapon. They are privately commissioned police officers with full arrest powers within an area or premises which the officer has been employed to protect. As a special police officer, you provide safety and security services for an assigned area or company. You may work as an auxiliary police officer for the police force to provide support for full-time officers, or you may work in a federal building, fire police or company police unit. Hospitals, university campuses, and museums often rely on special police officers to keep the peace. Your job duties are similar to those of other law enforcement officials. You may direct traffic, make traffic stops, conduct investigations and make arrests. Depending where you work, you may or may not carry a firearm. Presently the United Federation LEOS-PBA represents many Special Police Officers / Security Police Officers working from around the country. If you are a Special Police Officer / Security Police Officer seeking to join or form a Special Police Officer Union / Security Police and Fire Officers Union with the United Federation LEOS-PBA then please visit our National Union of Special Police Officers Union today.






1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 10th Floor

Washington, D.C. 20006

Office / Fax: (202) 595-3510
Organizing: (800) 516-0094


UFSPSO: (914) 941-4103

Fax: (914) 941-44722

NUSPO: (202) 499-3956

Fax: (202) 499-3956

NUNSO: (815) 900-9944

Fax: (815) 900-9944

PSONU: (877) - 60-PSONU

FAX:  (877) -607-7668

FPSOA: (202)-595-3510

Fax: (202) 595-3510

UFK9H  (800) 516-0094




New York City Office

17 State Street, 40th Floor

New York, NY 10004

Long Island Office

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501


Office / Fax: (212) 457-1010
Organizing: (800) 516-0094




Los Angeles Office

ARCO Tower 1055 West 7th Street, 33rd Floor (Penthouse) Los Angeles, CA 90017

Office / Fax: (213) 205-1855
Organizing: (800) 516-0094

Hawaii Guam Saipan 808-212-9831



Site Map

Lally & Misir LLP


The Nassau Building

220 Old Country Road #2

Mineola, NY 11501

Phone: (516) 741-2666

Fax: (516) 742-8533




1717 K Street N.W.  Suite 1120 

Washington DC 20006 

Phone: (202) 328-7222

Fax: (202) 328-7030 


© 2022 by Union for Security Officers | United Federation LEOS-PBA  all rights reserved

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